
Raja Yoga Center offers courses in meditation and spiritual knowledge, as well as seminars and special events facilitating self development and personal transformation. All our courses, seminar and workshops are offered to the public free of charge, as community service.

If you are not sure that you’re ready for meditation but would like to understand your mind better, gain greater clarity and learn how to manage your thoughts, the Monday Talks is for you.

Course Objectives

Unique challenges demand unique wisdom to resolve. In today’s fast paced life, be it professional or personal, we are bombarded with different problems, situations, personalities, perspectives and even practices which at times go beyond our threshold levels and thus cause stress, anxiety, hypertension and other such mental pressures. Consequently, we suffer from poor health conditions, disturbed relations and loss of peace and happiness.

Every Monday, we have talks that focus on many such challenges and provide viable and practical solutions to them. These talks are facilitated by experts who have been practicing Raja Yoga Meditation for years, and hence are able to share practical jewels of wisdom drawn from their real life situations

Upcoming Sessions

  • Monday Talks

    • February 24, 2025 7:30 pm
    • Age Group: Any
    • Duration: 60 mins